Liability Waiver
If you are accepted into the WPMF, you, or your legal guardian, will be expected to agree to, and sign a Liability Waiver. The following is the text from this document.
Acknowledgement of Risk or Injury Possibility
As a participant or volunteer in the Ethiopian Community Club Menelik Association, and/or the Whitney Pier Music Foundation, I recognize the risk and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury – including death, damages, property damage, or loss – which I may sustain as a result of participating in any and all activities connected with the program, or the use of the facilities or equipment.
Waiver of Claim for Injury Clause
I agree to waive and relinquish all claims that I may have for injuries or damages as a result of participating in the program or using the facilities or equipment against the Ethiopian Community Club Menelik Association, and/or the Whitney Pier Music Foundation and its officers, agents, servants, employees, other volunteers, and affiliates.
Release from Liability Clause
I do hereby release and discharge the Ethiopian Community Club Menelik Association, and/or the Whitney Pier Music Foundation and its officers, agents, servants, employees, volunteers and affiliates from any and all claims for injuries, including death, damages, property damage, or loss which may have or may in future accrue to me in account of participating in or volunteering for the Ethiopian Community Club Menelik Association, and/or the Whitney Pier Music Foundation.
Indemnity and Defense Clause
I further agree to indemnify and hold harmless and pay defense costs and defend the Ethiopian Community Club Menelik Association, and/or the Whitney Pier Music Foundation and its agents, servants, employees, other volunteers, and affiliates, from any and all claims resulting from injuries – including death, damages, property damage, or loss – sustained by me and arising out of, connected with, or in any way associated with the activities of the program or the use of facilities or equipment.